Sunday, March 11, 2007

Save farmers from cancer

Does cancer afflicts only affluents in India or reverse is true-that poorest people get affected by Cancer?
It is well known that eating pesticides laden food will increase risk of cancer. But what about farmers spraying them and resulting contamination in nearby environment?
A village in Punjab,called "Jajjal" with 500 odd households and population of 3500 ,is near Bhatinda and belongs to region "Malwa",cotton growing area.
Cancer statistics in Jajjal in 2002
-20 cancer deaths reported in village.
-CSE reported that six to 13 pesticides were present in blood of villagers. CSE also found organochlorines and residues of the newer and so-called 'non-persistent' pesticides – organophosphates in blood. Organophosphates are far more toxic than the older organochlorines.
-Post Graduate Institute of Medical Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh linked increased level of pesticides to higher than average rate of cancer in farmers.
Premature aging,joint pain, and spinal problems are making the youth of the village older than their age.
-Other ailments like h
eart ailments, paralysis, skin problems, asthma and arthritis have become too common.
Report compiled by Kheti Virasat Mission's Jarnail Singh.
Detailed original report is here-

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